Whittle-le-Woods CofE Primary School

Spiritual Journey

Class Reflection Areas


When asked how reflection areas in the school impacted upon them one pupil said,

‘When we pray to God and believe, you feel his spirit with you by your side.’

Other Reflection Areas



“We touch on spirituality when we encounter an experience on life’s journey that causes us to reflect on the deeper things in life, its meaning, and our purpose within it, and as a consequence our lives are transformed”.

Window, Mirror and Door Moments

Window Moments

Learning about – EncounterThe ‘learning about life in all its fullness’. These are opportunities to look out at the world to learn, to gaze, to wonder and become aware of the world in new ways; to wonder about life’s ‘WOWs’ (things that are amazing) and ‘OWs’ (things that are worrying or upsetting).

Mirror Moments

Learning from Reflections. ‘Learning from life’ by exploring their own insights and perspectives, and those of others. These are opportunities for children to look inward and reflect on their experiences, to consider some of the BIG questions of life and consider some possible answers. To explore their own insights and those of others.

Door Moments

Transformation – Putting thoughts and ideas into action: and becoming Inspiring Change-makers and Courageous Advocates. The ‘ learning to live by putting into action what you believe’. there are opportunities for children to respond, to DO something, to go through the ‘door’ of a creative expression of their own thoughts and convictions. The aim is to develop and nurture children who have the confidence to truly believe that they can make a difference in the world.