Whittle-le-Woods CofE Primary School

Mental Health Wellbeing

Safety, Mental Health and Wellbeing

This area is being developed to provide resources and signpost Safety, Mental Health and Well-being information that may help you and your family.

Pupil’s Mental Health and Wellbeing are tracked on a termly basis for changes and support that may be needed. If you are concerned about your child’s mental health and well-being, please speak to your child’s teacher in the first instance to put support in place. Most concerns can be dealt with in this way.

If further support is required please then ask your child’s class teacher to escalate support or speak to a member of the school Mental Health and Wellbeing Team

Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Team:

  • Mrs Metcalfe, Headteacher and the school Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
  • Mrs Haughin, Deputy Headteacher and the school deputy DSL
  • Mrs Bidder, the school SENDCO
  • Mrs McGreavy our lead Higher Level Teaching Assistant for Mental Health and Wellbeing

You can ring the school office to get in touch with teachers or a member of our Mental Health and Wellbeing Team 01257 262732. 

Reference Sites

If you know a good website do let us know so that we can add them to the list.

Clayton and Whittle Family Centre

We are partnered with Clayton and Whittle Family Centre for Family Support, Outreach, Speech and Language Support and Counselling. If you feel that your family or child requires additional support, please speak to the school office as our school has a system of referring to them. You can click the link below to see what they offer.

wprimarysupport | Family Centre | Chorley

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
What are ACEs and what can be done about them?



Hub of Hope

Should you or your family need support you can put your postcode into this site and it will give you the contact information of organisations that you can turn to for help. Click on the link

Lancashire Healthy Young Minds

This site lists services available in the local area and contains the self-referral forms/information for CAMHS/adult mental health services.

Anna Freud Centre

There are lots of good resources on this site and they regularly run free webinars for staff and parents.

Common Sense Media

If social media confuses you, you can visit this site to inform yourself and enable you to help your children make good media choices.

Open Minds UK

The Open Minds Approach to wellbeing is designed to meet the Social Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) needs of children, young people and families. It is firmly rooted in a research base of well-known authorities from the fields of mindfulness, positive psychology and neuroscience. The OPEN MINDS Approach to emotional well-being equips young people, families and those who support them with a personalised set of tools to manage emotions, encourage positive thinking and develop a healthy mindset.


Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy